Intermission: Shopping Spree I

Lottie, Garret, Miguel and Elias have each earned 6 points and $745 in cash from their short adventure to the monastery, making them 131-point characters. Let's see how they spend them, and in the process clarify the options available to them (which don't vary much from those found in DF Setting 1: Caverntown). 

Mundane weapons and equipment are easy to find, including cheap versions. There's lots of dead bandits, brigands, mercenaries, and adventurers about, and just as many opportunistic scavengers willing to sell their stuff on for a quick buck. Anything fancy, especially well-made or of foreign construction is unlikely to appear, but might on a roll of 6 on 3d, with a penalty equal to the total cost factor/10. If it can't be found, they'll have to wait a week and check again, or get it made specially, which takes 1d+1 weeks, and needs to be paid for in advance. Armour, on the other hand, is made specifically for its owner. Sometimes it can be refitted - a suitable piece or suit of armour can be found on a roll of 9 or less on 3d, less the DR of the armour (better stuff is made less often!), and an additional penalty equal to the total cost factor/10. Anything magical isn't for sale, at least in Sternvale. They'll have to go further afield - or go looting. 

For points, anything on the appropriate DFRPG 250-point adventurer template is up for grabs, including advantages that aren't class-specific. Where the 125-point template ties into multiple 250-point ones, they must choose one that best fits their intended role, and stick with it until death does them part. Disadvantages may be bought down, but not off - a flawless hero is boring!

So, what do the intrepid adventurers buy?


  • Lottie's most definitely a thief in training. She spends some time doing backflips in the dark, earning a point in Acrobatics and Night Vision 2. Though she wasn't against killing, per se, this adventure has given her some time to come to terms with the violence of adventurer life, and she spends the remaining 3 points on buying Post-Combat Shakes down to a self-control number of 15. Anyone who's seen the Fright Check Table will recognise this as a good investment. 
  • The trip has been good for Garret's mental strength - he buys a point in Will, making him slightly more resistant to some magical effects and terror. The remaining point is kept in reserve.
  • Miguel's getting his groove back, as far as slaying things is concerned, and this is making him more ballsy - he buys a point of Fearlessness. He's feeling stronger as well, although this is mostly going to his weight - he gains a point of HP. He also buys Forced Entry at DX+1, just in case Lottie's lockpicking skills aren't up to scratch.
  • Elias is becoming known amongst the townsfolk now - he's a real monk, not just a hobo! He spends 5 points on reaffirming his Clerical Investment and the last one goes on asking Lottie to teach him how to walk a little lighter - his lack of sneakiness has nearly gotten them in trouble! He's still not good at it, but a 9 is better than a 5.


  • Lottie's never seen this much money in her life. She's intensely aware of the need to travel light, so she decides to put her money into a better knife. She can't find one in stock, so she pays $480 to get a fine long knife made, and in the meantime gets her jacket sleeves padded for $25, just in case. She gets $240 in change as half a gold coin and two silvers. The weaponsmith explains sadly that it's busy season, so it'll be 7 weeks until her blade is ready, but she's not impatient. 
  • Farmer's son Garret isn't used to dealing with this much money. He takes a quick look in the weapon shop, trying to keep an eye out for a dwarven flail, but doesn't find one. He's not overly worried about parrying, given his skill with the shield, so he doesn't spring to get one made. Instead, he looks for a set of light mail - he rolls against 9 - 2 = 7, and gets a 7. Successful, he asks for the coif, arms and legs. This does put him slightly over budget, at $750, but Miguel likes him enough to lend him a fiver. 
  • Miguel's first order of business is to get his longsword out of hock. The pawn shop owner charges him $700 for the pleasure. He also buys a chain lanyard to make sure he doesn't lose it anywhere and a 3' crowbar for use with Forced Entry. This comes to $735, leaving him with 10 coppers to spare. 
  • Elias decides to purchase a proper bag and looks for a suit of heavy cloth armour to give himself a little more protection. None fit his somewhat portly build, so he has one made for $450 and 7 weeks. He keeps the remaining $235 to himself. 


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