Dungeon 001: Goblin Cave

 Finding myself without the time or inclination to play through these dungeons, I'm just going to post them - maybe someone will get to use them! You're on your own for monster stats, though, as I wouldn't want to repost published content. 

Dungeon map courtesy of Donjon RPG Tools

1: Entranceway

Shape: SM 0 arched ceiling. Dotted with small stalactites and stalagmites. 
Walls: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. 
Floor: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Dotted with shallow depressions in the floor, filled with water. 
Atmosphere: Darkness -7; only light is from entrance to east. Cold, from water evaporation. Slight breeze directed SW. Occasional dripping noises, with echoes. 
Entrances: Stepped 40° slope up to E (0). 
Smooth 30° slope down 3' to SW (2), through horizontal SM 0 gap where the wall meets the floor. 
Traps: None. 
Monsters: None. 
Treasure: None. 

2: Foyer

Shape: SM +1 ceiling. Slope to SE, up to 4'. Dotted with small stalactites and stalagmites. 
Walls: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Small metal spikes in walls, from which are hung mouldy, red rags around 2' long. 
Floor: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Dotted with shallow depressions in the floor, filled with water. Well-worn by footsteps. 
Atmosphere: Darkness -9; only light is from entrance. Cold, from water evaporation. Slight breeze directed SW. Smells of mould. Occasional dripping noises, with echoes. 
Entrances: Smooth 30° slope up to NE (1), through horizontal SM 0 gap in wall.
6' ledge up to SE (3). 
4' ledge with rope ladder down to NW (4), through lines of bone noisemakers. 
Traps: Bone noisemakers hanging over entrance to staging area (4). Takes a minute and a Traps-1 roll to remove one noisemaker quietly, which allows a Skinny (or smaller than SM 0) person access on a DX roll. More are needed for larger people, or to waive the DX roll. 
Monsters: None, although see (3). 
Treasure: No roll: a dozen iron spikes ($1, 0.5 lb each). 

3: Guard post

Shape: SM -1 bowed ceiling. Dotted with small stalactites and stalagmites. 
Walls: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Marked with pigments in various shades of earthy browns, reds and ochres, depicting heroic goblin acts. 
Floor: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Dotted with shallow depressions in the floor, filled with water. Very shallow slope to SE, forming a small, stagnant pool. 
Atmosphere: Darkness -10. Cold, from water evaporation. Stagnant air. Smells of burnt meat and excrement. Occasional dripping noises, with echoes. 
Entrances: 6' ledge down to NW (2). 
Traps: None. 
Monsters: 2 camouflaged goblin archers, watching the foyer (2). Won't attack until targets attempt to mess with the noisemakers or climb up to the guard post. 
Treasure: Scrounging: Large hip quiver ($30, 2 lb) filled with 20 war arrows and 10 bodkin arrows ($2, 0.1 lb each). 
Scrounging-1: 1d/2 bottles of goblin moonshine ($10, 2.5 lb each), in a small crate also containing a bottle of goblin nerve tonic ($50, 1 lb). 

4: Staging area

Shape: SM +1 ceiling. Dotted with small stalactites, stalagmites and cave curtains. 
Walls: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Draped with skins in various states of decay. 
Floor: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Dotted with shallow depressions in the floor, filled with water. 
Atmosphere: Darkness -10. Cold, from water evaporation. Slight breeze directed SW. Smells of burnt meat, mould and excrement. Occasional dripping noises, with echoes. 
Entrances: 4' ledge with rope ladder up to SE (2), through lines of bone noisemakers. 
Smooth 20° slope down 3' to NW (5), slick with blood and mould. 
6' ledge with rope ladder down to SW (6). 
Traps: None. 
Monsters: 2 goblin archers, watching the foyer (2). Won't attack until targets attempt to mess with the noisemakers. When alerted, will use their first turn to ring a loud bell, warning the rest of the camp. 
Treasure: None. 

5: Larder

Shape: SM 0 ceiling. Rough pillar in NW corner. Dotted with small stalactites, stalagmites and cave curtains. Rotting corpses of game animals, men and vermin swing from hooks attached to chains that run horizontally across the roof of the cave. 
Walls: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. 
Floor: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp, slick with fluids. Dotted with shallow depressions in the floor, filled with water, blood, and guano. 
Atmosphere: Darkness -10. Cold, from water evaporation. Smell of rotting meat is atrocious - roll vs HT or be nauseated for minutes equal to margin of failure. Disturbing any corpses causes a wave of foul odour, risking retching. Occasional dripping noises and the rattling of chains, with echoes. 
Entrances: Smooth 20° slope up 3' to NE (4), slick with blood and mould. 
Smooth 20° slope down 3' to SW, slick with blood and mould; turns into a 3' ledge halfway along. 
Narrow cracks in NW corner of ceiling, behind pillar, lead up to surface (0). 
Traps: 1d ST 8 leg-hold traps ($80, 2.5 lb each), chained to iron spikes in the floor. One is already triggered on a giant rat. 
Monsters: None. 
Treasure: None, unless you are hungry and have Cast-Iron Stomach. 

6: Main camp

Shape: SM +1 arched ceiling. Dotted with medium stalactites, stalagmites and cave curtains. 
Walls: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Draped with skins in various states of decay, painted in browns, reds and ochres with crude humanoid figures in scenes of violence, and a recurring motif of a distinctive skull with three spikes. 
Floor: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Dotted with shallow depressions in the floor, filled with water, and small piles of smouldering coals. 
Atmosphere: Darkness -9, from candles in shrine. Warm, from coals and body heat. Slight breeze directed SE. Smells of burnt meat, excrement, and goblin body odour. Occasional dripping noises, with echoes, and slight sound of whistling wind in the SE corner. 
Entrances: 6' ledge with rope ladder up to NE (4).
Smooth 20° slope up 3' to N (5), slick with blood and mould; turns into a 3' ledge halfway along. 
3' ledge with crate steps up to SW (7).
6' ledge with rope ladder up to SE (8).
Traps: None. 
Monsters: 12 goblin spear-carriers, not on alert. Half are asleep. If alerted, will attempt an ambush!
Treasure: No roll: 600 meals of goblin rations ($1, 0.5 lb each). Four sets of group basics ($50, 20 lb each). 3 hip quivers ($15, 1 lb each) containing a total of 45 war arrows and 15 bodkin arrows ($2, 0.1 lb each). 5 four-man tents (NRV, 30 lb each). 20 bedrolls (NRV, 4 lb each). 5 spears ($40, 4 lb each) and 1 fine spear ($120, 4 lb).
Scrounging: An armourer's tool kit ($600, 20 lb). $100, 0.05 lb in assorted low-value jewellery per margin of success, minimum 0.
Scrounging-2: A large teak box ($45, 2 lb) containing 0.5 oz of sumac ($19, neg), 1.5 oz of nigella ($38, neg.) and 0.5 oz of faerie glimmerseed ($135, neg.). 

7: Shrine

Shape: SM 0 ceiling. Dotted with small stalactites and stalagmites. 
Walls: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Draped with skins in various states of decay, painted in browns, reds and ochres with crude humanoid figures and a recurring motif of a distinctive skull with three spikes. 
Floor: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Dotted with shallow depressions in the floor, filled with water.
Atmosphere: Darkness -3, from candles. Warm, from candles, coals and body heat. Stagnant air. Smells of burning tallow, blood, and pungent incense. Occasional dripping noises, with echoes.
Entrances: 3' ledge with crate steps down to N (6). 
Traps: None. 
Monsters: Goblin shaman, not on alert. 
Treasure: No roll: A crude horn idol ($70, 2 lb) of a pagan god. A fine large knife ($160, 1 lb), inlaid with a 3/4ct ruby ($125, neg.) and enchanted with Vital Seeker +1 ($100). Taking either item from the cursed altar (Will 18) without proper precaution results in the thief being cursed for -1 to success rolls until exorcised.
Scrounging: Healer's kit ($200, 10 lb) for Esoteric Medicine (Holy). Designed for goblin-kin rituals; applies a -2 penalty to normal use. 

8: Leader's camp

Shape: SM +1 ceiling. Dotted with small stalactites and stalagmites. 
Walls: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Draped with skins in various states of decay, painted in browns, reds and ochres with crude humanoid figures in scenes of violence, and a recurring motif of a distinctive skull with three spikes. 
Floor: Rough limestone, solution-carved. Damp. Dotted with shallow depressions in the floor, filled with water.
Atmosphere: Darkness -10. Warm, from coals and body heat. Slight breeze directed SE. Smells of burnt meat, excrement, and goblin body odour. Occasional dripping noises, with echoes, and slight sound of whistling wind in the SW corner. 
Entrances: 6' ledge with rope ladder down to NW (6).
Vision-3: crack in wall, hidden by skins, leading to a narrow stepped slope up to SW (0).
Traps: None. 
Monsters: Hobgoblin leader; 2 goblin henchmen, not on alert. 
Treasure: No roll: 1 four-man tent (NRV, 30 lb). 1 set of group basics ($50, 20 lb). 3 sleeping furs (NRV, 8 lb each). 2 braziers ($65, 3 lb each). A folding table ($90, 15 lb). 2 folding chairs ($75, 8 lb each). 1 average map to the goblin forward operating base ($50, 0.1 lb). 
Scrounging: Trapped (-4), locked (+0) iron strongbox ($250, 15 lb) containing 2 1ct garnets ($175, neg. each), 2 gold coins ($400, 0.02 lb each), 1d silvers ($20, 0.02 lb each) and 80 ± 1d coppers ($1, 0.02 lb each). 10 loose silvers ($20, 0.02 lb each) per margin of success, minimum 0. 
Scrounging-4: A fine lute, inlaid with a stylised depiction of a craftsman at work ($1,000, 5 lb).

Wandering monsters

Odds are 9 or less on 3d. Note that combat with the goblins is pretty much all or nothing, so these represent local fauna popping into the cave after the battle to see what all the fuss is about, or otherwise vermin that could plausibly be living on the periphery of the goblins' encampment. The one exception is a goblin patrol - they've just come back!


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