
 This post will hopefully explain a little about what I'm doing. 

Sternvale Adventures is a personal project where I run a solo game of GURPS 4th Edition (drawing heavily on the adjustments and rulings made since the game came out 20 years ago, including from the DFRPG boxed set) and write what happens. It's intended both as a way for me to have some fun playing in a game that suits me perfectly and to become more familiar with the rules from a player side. 

We'll start with 125-point nobodies and see how far they get. They might all die in the first dungeon, who knows. I won't be posting their full character sheets, although I will go into some detail regarding their equipment and what exactly happens in combat. My guideline for what I'm going to show is whether you would likely see it in a video of actual play, although I'll format the roll lines a little differently so you can skip the maths and just see the summary if you want. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy watching me play weird chess against myself.


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